Farmed animals are killed at a very young age..
If you were a farmed animal,

Would you still be alive?

Let's find the answer.
pig looking at the camera
I am year old.
Enter your age above so that we can personalize your results. (we don't save or share any data)
Image of male egg chicks
male egg chicks
1 day
8 years
Image of chickens used for eggs
chickens used for eggs
1-2 years
8 years
Image of chickens used for meat
chickens used for meat
6 weeks
8 years
Image of turkeys
5 months
15 years
Image of male dairy calves
male dairy calves
1-24 weeks
20 years
Image of cows used for meat
cows used for meat
18 months
20 years
Image of cows used for milk
cows used for milk
5 years
20 years
Image of lambs
6-8 months
12 years
Image of rabbits
10-12 weeks
12 years
Image of pigs
6 months
12 years


How to read the data?
Image of animal name
animal name
slaughter age
natural lifespan
If it's green: you would still be alive.
If it's red: you would be dead.

The yellow part represents the animal lifespan when exploited by the meat, dairy and egg industries.

The end of the yellow part refers to their slaughter age. This is how old they are when killed. The reason might be that they are not profitable anymore or because it's time to kill them for their meat.

The full progressbar represents their natural life time. We can clearly see how short their lives are when exploited.

How is the ratio working?
When you type in your age at the top we calculate a ratio.
This represents how many years you lived out of the 80 years in average for a human.

We then compare this ratio with the age at which animals are slaughtered versus their natural lifespan.
  • If the bar is red, your ratio is higher than the animal's ratio. It means that if you were this animal, you will be already dead.
  • If the bar is green, your ratio is lower than the animal's ratio. It means that if you were this animal, you will still be alive (but exploited..).


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If you want to share the data, a JSON file is available. For more information you can see the source here.